My Writing Portfolio

You are reading reading through my collection of short stories and poetry. No portions of this content may be used or published elsewhere, in print or digitally, without without my express permission.

© I. A. Phillips

The Mailbox Still Stands

Pre-dating the house and its three generations,
The mailbox still stands.

Solitary, the mailbox inhabits the home’s lower side,
Silently the mailbox still stands.

Vigilant and faithful, it performs its duties without fail,
Powerfully, the mailbox still stands.

Sentinel to the house, night and day it protects the house,
Valiantly, the mailbox still stands.

Working for the family, the mailbox takes on as much labor as it can,
Productively, the mailbox still stands.

Old, coarse, and raspy, the ancient metal tints,
Yet, the mailbox still stands.

Made of stoic steel that knows it works for its family,
Proudly, the mailbox still stands.

Reserved and short of words, instead he speaks through actions,
Actively, the mailbox still stands.

Through storm and snow, he still does his duties,
Undeterred, the mailbox still stands.

First to greet those who arrive and first to wish farewells,
Tenderly, the mailbox still stands.

As time passes and rust spreads, he still works for his family,
Strenuously, the mailbox still stands.

Eventually, rust and time, terribly combined, knocked the mailbox down,
But the family knows, that eternally, the mailbox still stands.

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